
  1. Install kubectl (see here). Because kustomize was included into kubectl and it’s used by cluster-api-provider-ibmcloud in generating yaml files, so version 1.14.0+ of kubectl is required, see integrate kustomize into kubectl for more info.
  2. You can use either VM, container or existing Kubernetes cluster act as the bootstrap cluster.
    • If you want to use container, install kind. This is preferred.
    • If you want to use VM, install minikube, version 0.30.0 or greater.
    • If you want to use existing Kubernetes cluster, prepare your kubeconfig.
  3. Install a driver if you are using minikube. For Linux, we recommend kvm2. For MacOS, we recommend VirtualBox.
  4. An appropriately configured Go development environment
  5. Install clusterctl tool (see here)
  6. Install pvsadm tool (see here)
  7. Install ibmcloud tool (see here)

PowerVS Prerequisites

Create an IBM Cloud account.

If you don’t already have one, you need a paid IBM Cloud account to create your Power Systems Virtual Server instance. To create an account, go to:

Create an IBM Cloud account API key

Please refer to the following documentation to create an API key.

Create Power Systems Virtual Server Service Instance

After you have an active IBM Cloud account, you can create a Power Systems Virtual Server service. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. TO-DO

Create Network

A public network is required for your kubernetes cluster. Perform the following steps to create a public network for the Power Systems Virtual Server service instance created in the previous step.

  1. Create Public Network

    ~ ibmcloud pi network-create-public capi-test --dns-servers ""


    Network capi-test created.
    ID                fea9ac26-693d-402b-b22f-aa3d90ed0a31   
    Name              capi-test  
    Type              pub-vlan   
    VLAN              2008   
    CIDR Block   
    IP Range          []   
    Public IP Range   []   
    DNS     ,

Import the machine boot image:

$ pvsadm image import --pvs-instance-id <SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID> -b <BUCKETNAME> --object <OBJECT> --pvs-image-name <POWERVS_IMAGE_NAME> --bucket-region <REGION> --public-bucket


$ pvsadm image import --pvs-instance-id 6d892c30-5387-4685-85d0-4999d9c22a8c -b power-oss-bucket --object capibm-powervs-centos-streams8-1-24-2.ova.gz --pvs-image-name capibm-powervs-centos-streams8-1-24-2 --bucket-region us-south --public-bucket

For more information about the images can be found at machine-images section