
  1. Install kubectl (see here). Because kustomize was included into kubectl and it’s used by cluster-api-provider-ibmcloud in generating yaml files, so version 1.14.0+ of kubectl is required, see integrate kustomize into kubectl for more info.
  2. You can use either VM, container or existing Kubernetes cluster act as the bootstrap cluster.
    • If you want to use container, install kind. This is preferred.
    • If you want to use VM, install minikube, version 0.30.0 or greater.
    • If you want to use existing Kubernetes cluster, prepare your kubeconfig.
  3. Install a driver if you are using minikube. For Linux, we recommend kvm2. For MacOS, we recommend VirtualBox.
  4. An appropriately configured Go development environment
  5. Install clusterctl tool (see here)

Build workload cluster image:

  1. Build a qcow2 image suitable for use as a Kubernetes cluster machine as detailed in the image builder book.

    Note: Rename the output image to add the .qcow2 extension. This is required by the next step.

  2. Upload the VPC Gen2 custom image to IBM Cloud following this section or the detailed explainations in the VPC documentation.